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Friday, July 31, 2015

Savoring The Sweet Taste of Creation

Something sparked in me yesterday as was alone in my home and thinking of all that's happening in life right now, and thinking that I have such a distraught soul right now that I'm not even enjoying life or living it to the fullest, and that is not ok with me. So I decided to think about things I could do for my own soul and self worth to be something that would be so inspiring to others as well. And then we think that we want to create a happiness for ourself that is just us and ours, and that comes from feelings, and our environment - our happy place. Here's the book. I have a really genuine honest desire to want to send love out to the world when the world is in such duressful and stressful times. How do we find our happy place? We rememember the times, the people, the food, the love, the memories, the games, the movies, the books, the sentiments. We love those who have passed on and that remain with us still, or no longer in our lives. We remember who we are.

This ebook is a live interactive ebook that I want everyone to have, so I'm making it as affordable as possible and you decide what you will spend on purchase of this book. This isn't meant to be a commercial product, this is meant to be personal and heartfelt. I am a mother who does very desperately need funds to fan the fires in my family (that's a whole other book for a whole other day, and a whole other blog.) I'll say that I have 3 daughters that aren't home with me and should be and that's NOT ok with me. SO this is personal, its not business, its not a paycheck, its my reality. And its my way of sending them love and letting it be known how much they are loved and wanted :) <3 and missed and my way of bringing them home.

Its also my way of saying "here's chocolate, and a hug and 6 million dollars".... just/kidding. I do have a sense of humor too.

So here's the blog and the book will be available shortly. Its a book that will never be complete so it needs to stay a downloadable link to keep every buyer updated. But so far, its 56 pages. Yes - 56 pages, that's what I said... Enjoy! Welcome! And I will let you know when its available

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