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Thursday, August 13, 2015

How to Know Whether Or Not You're Ready to Be A Mother

My Grandma sent me this. I thought it was funny. =)

Posted by Stephanie Scholle on Thursday, May 16, 2013

I'm gonna add a few tidbits of my own here....

Toy test - when it happens to you the first time(and it WILL NOT be the last), you'll know because no matter how conservative you are you will let out every swear word there is and some you didn't know existed and fight the urge to yell at the person who left them out even if its 3am because if you do, you'll (GASP GOD FORBID) wake the whole house....

Grocery store test- make sure you smile at everyone that is staring you down for "not being able to control your children" and you can almost hear the judgemental thoughts of others who have never had to go through this....

Night test - at the end, look cheerful.... um not happening

Final assignment - makes me laugh because when you actually do become a parent you find that the homework is never done....

and love it when they pee 3 times in one diaper change....

Sounds like I speak from personal experience, you bet 7 kids later I do....

but if I get down to the heart of it, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world because I love being a mother.... and so do all the other mothers out there! Our children are our worlds!

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